
The available statistics show that being positioned on the first page of Google makes it possible to be certain of being part of the results which will represent 91% of the clicks of Internet users!!!

Only the fact of being well positioned in Google results does not only depend on the design of the site or the quality of the code developed by your web developer (HTML5, CSS and JS) but also on the effective consideration of good practices. in terms of SEO Search Engine Optimization.

Discover in this article how to immediately identify with a few mouse clicks (and for free) if your site is really SEO optimized for natural referencing and thus if it has a good chance of appearing on the 1st page of Google and generating what it is for. has been done, ie probably to attract Internet users and transform them into customers of your brand.

At least two SEO axes are to be taken into account to have an effective SEO strategy and you can check very simply if your site has been done according to the rules of the art, or not and has the necessary assets to appear in a good position. in the search results of Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandest or Baidu engines.

1 / Adaptation to different screen sizes and mobile loading speed.

a) Adaptation to different screen sizes.

It is essential that your site is responsive , ie that its content adapts to the size of the screen from which it is consulted. But this is not always the case even when a site is sold for 32 million dollars;

To find out if this is the case, Google has put a free tool online that allows you to test the adaptability of your site in a few mouse clicks, the address of which you will find below.


Once you have entered the address of your site, the tool will tell you very simply whether or not your site adapts to mobiles and tablets and know that if this is not the case since July 2018, this has a negative impact on your appearing in Google results.

If this is not the case, you can, in the case of a WordPress site, change the template to use one that is responsive, but sometimes it will be preferable and more profitable to consider migrating or redesigning your site to a new website.

b) Mobile loading speed.

Since July 2018, be aware that a mobile loading speed that is too long will penalize you in Google results, the latter preferring to display sites that load very quickly.

To find out how fast your site is loading, there is a free tool made available by Google. This will allow you in a few clicks to make an inventory and also in the event that your site is considered too slow, to identify avenues for optimization (CSS code simplification, photo optimization, cached resource optimization, use of AMP mode, change of servers or hosting contract for example).


GTmetrix allows you in two clicks to have the indication of the detailed loading time of your page and your technical note on the subject. If ever this time is too long, you have the details of the loading phases and you can therefore very easily see if it comes from the server or from the way the page is loading, both in terms of content and layout and thus you can act on the right lever.

Other tools exist such as https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/fr-fr/feature/testmysite but beyond the fact that the advice given is quite generic, it seems that this tool (useful by the way) tends to consider that beyond 2.5 seconds of loading a page in 4 G your site is slow and that you lose visitors. Some SEO specialists also mention that originally this site was intended to boost the AMP mode (which is especially interesting for press sites) and to motivate site owners to switch to AMP mode. From our point of view, this is not relevant for all sites and all content for reasons that we will detail in a future article.

2/ Correct filling of metadata and on-site data.

a) What is metadata?

These are fields linked to each web page of your site and which describe the content of the page and allow Google robots to prioritize the information contained therein and to identify the relevant keywords for the indexing of your page in Google’s index.

We will find several fields or tags which are:

–       The URL address  : www.mon-nom-de-site.com/mon-nom-de-page/

– The title tag: the title of my page which appears in the tab provided for this purpose. (70 characters maximum)

Headers or Hn tags (H1, H2, H3, H4 etc…) which are the titles, subtitles and sub-subtitles of the content of your pages. (only 1 H1 per page and no jump from an H2 to an H4 for example)

Alt attributes (ideally different for each photo) which are the descriptions of the photos inserted into your site

– The meta description  which is a summary of the content of your page either written by you (it’s better) or automatically generated by Google according to what it has perceived as being the content of your page. (between 160 and 300 characters ideally and different for each of the pages)

Meta keywords (no need to fill in because Google has clearly announced that it no longer takes them into account)

However, today our digital SEO & web design agency carries out several dozen audits per week of organizational sites of all sizes, recent or not, and in the majority of cases these tags are poorly or not filled in, thus jeopardizing the indexing of your site in Google results and the relevance of indexed keywords.

Very often web designers and web developers don’t fill them out either because they don’t have the time or because they don’t know what to put in them. Because indeed to fill them with relevance it is necessary to have previously identified the keywords on which one wishes (one can) to be well referenced by Google and thus appear on the 1st page.

And if, as is often the case, the semantic analysis work has not been done prior to the design of the site, we end up with empty tags or filled with keywords that are not the subject of any research by Internet users or on which you have little chance of being on the 1st page given the competitors already indexed.

To find out how your metadata has been filled in and thus the chances that your site will be well indexed by Google, you just need to install the following free tool on your Chrome browser.


Once the plug-in is installed you will have access to a huge amount of data on your site and you will know if it has been well done and optimized for Google or if it is just beautiful and apart from you and your your service provider few people are likely to go there following a natural search on Google.

The plug-in will thus always be present on your Chrome browser and in 2 clicks you will have access to a lot of very useful information such as your metadata (if it is filled in) and its compliance, particularly in terms of length.

So you can assess if everything has been done and done well for your site to be in a good position in Google search results and search engine results in general on the keywords relevant to you. We do not mean keywords as well as single words as sets of words called as long tail.

If this is not the case, then contact our SEO agency and we will be happy to carry out a semantic audit, metadata proposals and, if you wish, to check that your service provider modifies them in accordance with good SEO practices or failing that. to carry out the optimizations on your site ourselves.

You will also be able to have access to an estimate of the number of pages indexed by the main engines (Alexa, Google, Bing) on ​​your site and if it is lower than the real number or higher than this one to understand that there is a anomaly to be corrected quickly.

You will also have access to the archives of the different versions of your website since the web has existed or at least since the domain name has existed, whether you created it or not. 

b) Site data.

 In the same way it is essential that the data of the site are well filled and complete and in particular that your site has:

– A robot.txt file (which tells the robot if the site can be indexed partially, not at all or in full)

– A sitemap.xml file (which tells the robot what the tree structure of your site is and thus saves it time for indexing content).

– If the language of the site is well specified as well as the Doctype and the encoding

However, SEOQuake will allow you in two clicks to see if this information is correctly filled in and also what information is contained therein.

You were able to discover how to do a free quick audit of your site and its potential to appear on the first page of Google with a few free tools.

If you want to go further in the analysis of your site, our SEO agency has invested in a multitude of other high-performance tools that will allow us to go much further in the analysis of your site’s potential. web, and also in understanding your competitive environment.

Our holistic approach will include the implementation of an approach taking into account the internal mesh of the site, the audit of each page of your site, the analysis of your semantic territory, the netlinking and the backlinking of your site but also the UX, UI and all the technical parameters of your site and its environment.

One of our specificities is to bring together and make work together skills that very often work in silos and do not communicate together to develop your site. This generates additional costs and an extension of the time to market of your site.

Our SEO Webdesign agency near Paris in Neuilly sur Seine will be able to offer you a free pre-audit and a very concrete and very pragmatic action plan to support you in optimizing your website and in its visibility in the results of Google and also in your social network strategies, the long-term support of the SEO strategy of your website and its regular updating with the consideration of data from Google Analytics and your Google search console

Olivier MAURIN/ CEO and Founder of Searchbooster/

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