
Avantage and disadvantages of ChatGPT for SEO

Advantages and Disadvantages of ChatGPT for SEO

ChatGPT-4 and ChatGPT-3, developed by OpenAI, are artificial intelligence capable of automatically generating textual content that can be useful for your SEO.

This tool has advantages and disadvantages for SEO, i.e., natural referencing in search engines such as Google.

In this article, we will study how ChatGPT-4 can be used for writing optimized content, finding relevant keywords, and implementing an effective SEO strategy, while taking into account its limitations.


Advantages of ChatGPT-4 for SEO

Saving time:

One of the main advantages of ChatGPT-4 is that it saves time by automatically generating content for a website.

Thanks to its advanced language models, it can produce text in record time, which can be particularly useful for SEO professionals who need to create many articles on various subjects.

However, it is not enough to ask ChatGPT-4 to produce texts because to do real SEO work, you will need to produce an optimized prompt by indicating the length of the text to be produced, as well as the keywords to include that will allow you to create semantic clusters.

Likewise, it will be important to use advanced ChatGPT-4 extensions to define the desired editorial tone (informative, convincing, humorous, friendly, etc.) and also to update the data using an extension that crawls the web to enrich the content produced with the latest existing data.

Similarly, it is imperative to reread the content to ensure its accuracy, but also to place internal and external backlinks (usually one every 350 words) and write optimized anchor links.

Finding relevant keywords:

ChatGPT-4 can also help identify relevant keywords to optimize a site’s content. By analyzing search results and taking into account users’ search intent, artificial intelligence can suggest expressions and terms to integrate into articles to improve their positioning in the SERP.

However, it will be important to use other tools such as Semrush, Ubbersuggest or Keyword planner to accurately identify the monthly search volumes for each target keyword, as well as the semantic complexity level of the article to be produced and also its length compared to the articles positioned on the first page of the Google SERP.

Likewise, it is necessary to use tools such as Sistrix to analyze the search intentions of the target keywords on which you wish to be positioned. We can thus see that ChatGPT alone will not allow us to do optimum work.

Writing optimized content:

Thanks to its ability to understand context and answer questions, ChatGPT-4 can be used to create quality content, with a structure and markup adapted to the requirements of search engines. It can also generate relevant and optimized meta descriptions for result pages.

However, to achieve this, you can use automated prompts that will allow you to save time when you decide to use ChatGPT. These paid access prompt libraries can be directly connected to your ChatGPT-4 and will save you time even if the number of prompts available increases exponentially, and you need to test them to bookmark the ones that really save you time.

Similarly, ChatGPT will propose article plans according to the topics to be covered and can help you write your meta descriptions, title tags, etc., saving you a lot of time.

SEO tools:

ChatGPT-4 can be integrated with SEO tools to facilitate site analysis and optimization. For example, it can be used to analyze a site’s robots.txt file, checking that it is properly configured to allow search engines to index pages. However, ChatGPT-4 only makes observations and does not implement or use paid SEO tools. However, it will be important to closely monitor the development of the Chatgpt écosystème in the coming weeks as it is developing at a very fast pace and will likely change the game on this subject.

Disadvantages of ChatGPT-4 for SEO

Content quality:

Although ChatGPT-4 is capable of generating text, the quality of this content can sometimes be inferior to that of a human writer. The generated texts may contain syntax, grammar, or coherence errors that detract from the user experience and the site’s image. The quality of the generated text will depend on the quality of your instructions and the prompt you will order from ChatGPT.

Similarly, it will be important to systematically reread the content produced by ChatGPT to verify and enrich it with a personal touch giving a little humanity to the raw content produced by ChatGPT, which can sometimes appear a bit flat.

Obsolete content:

ChatGPT-4 relies on the data it has to generate content, but this information may be obsolete or inaccurate. It is therefore important to check and update the texts generated by artificial intelligence to ensure their reliability.

However, this point is resolved when you add to your ChatGPT-4 or ChatGPT-3 a plugin allowing you to update its database by crawling related content on the web, and the other interest is that ChatGPT will indicate in the written article the sources it used, allowing you to verify their origin and quality.

Duplicate content:

Search engines penalize sites that offer duplicate content. As ChatGPT-4 automatically generates text based on templates, it may produce content similar to that of others. That is why it will be important to use a tool such as Copy Scape to verify that your content is truly original and not duplicate content that would be set aside by Google as unoriginal.

The essential last point and the question everyone is asking is: Is content from AI such as ChatGPT detectable, and do search engines penalize content produced with the help of AI in their rankings?

Google’s Position on AI-Generated Content

Google’s answer has been clear for some time now since Google clearly states its position on the subject in its content writing guidelines on the page below.


In summary, since February 8, 2023, Google’s official position on content generated by or with the help of AI such as ChatGPT is as follows:

  • Google favors content quality over its production method.
  • Automation to generate content primarily for manipulating ranking in search results violates Google’s rules.
  • The appropriate use of AI or automation is not contrary to Google’s search guidelines.
  • Creators must produce original, high-quality, people-first content. Publishers who appear in Google News must use author signatures and information.
  • Mentions related to AI or automation are useful for content for which someone might wonder how that content was created.

So clearly, “Content is King,” and the important thing is not whether the writer used AI to build their content but only if the content is of quality, informative, and relevant.

To help you, do not hesitate to contact us!

Olivier MAURIN

CEO SearchBooster.

PS: How was this content generated?  What is certain is that in SEMRUSH, it has a score of 9.3/10 on the keyword “ChatGPT SEO” (1900 monthly queries in France according to Keyword Surfer), has a readability index of 64.1 for 76 as the target, and is 1,326 words for a target of 1,041 words. So how long before it is on the first page of Google ?


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